![]() Excerpts from "Waves of Devastation and Disaster: What Do They Mean?" by John Ross Schroeder As we struggle to come to terms with the worst earthquake in 40 years (26 Dec. 2004) and the Indian Ocean tsunamis that followed in its wake, we should be asking important questions like "Where is God?" and "What spiritual lessons should we learn?" WHERE IS GOD? Most of the many morning newspaper accounts attributed the tide of death to the awesome power unleashed by our own planet. The term "nature" was used over and over again, implying some sort of force beyond reason or understanding was involved. We acknowledge our own fragility in the face of this terrifying demonstration of what we call "nature's power." As noted British columnist William Rees-Mogg stated in The Times: "We are not in control; the tsunami has demon-strated this ancient truth" (Dec. 27, 2004). That's true, but there is more to the story. Few understand that very long ago God placed on earth an archangel named Lucifer (specially created as a bringer of light). Eventually he chose to rebel against his Creator, turning this beautiful planet into a sorry scene of waste, confusion and devastation (Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28). Later, in seven days, God restored and renewed the earth into the idyllic place it had once been. He created the first man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden. But like the fallen Lucifer, they too rebelled against their Creator and God had no option but to banish them from their paradise-like garden. Adam and Eve set a pattern of disobe-dience for mankind, and we have been going astray from God ever since! But from the very first, God has had a plan for the redemption of humankind (Rev. 13:8). In His divine wisdom and to help fulfil His basic purpose, God has chosen to leave Satan in charge of this earth until the time of the future return of Jesus Christ. The apostle Paul acknowledged the devil's rulership by calling Satan "the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience" (Ephesians 2:2). Three times in the book of John, Jesus referred to Satan as the ruler of this world ("prince" in the KJV). This is not to say that he is behind every disaster like this latest earthquake/tsunami or every personal misfortune, but these disasters serve to highlight his harmful influence during "this present evil age" (Gal. 1:4). He has the power to spread misery and suffering throughout his domain. So the question remains: Why does God some-times allow such devastation to take place, and what should our reaction be? How should we respond when disaster occurs? Jesus called to mind a disastrous accident in teaching us all a very important lesson. Referring to a great tragedy in Jerusalem, He said: "...Those eighteen on whom the tower in Siloam fell and killed them, do you think that they were worse sinners than all other men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, no; but unless you repent you will all likewise perish" (Luke 13:4-5). Our shortsighted way of life often brings on the potential for disaster. God has created a world of cause and effect. Prov. 26:2 tells us that "the curse does not come without a cause." Sometimes, however, there is a long time lapse between cause and consequence. This is what deceives humans into thinking that they can get away with their evil deeds (Eccl. 8:11). Somehow we like to play Russian roulette with our precious lives. This world is recklessly drinking iniquity (lawlessness) like water. We are removing ourselves further and further away from God and His righteous way of life, willingly rejecting His blessings and protection! Herein lies the answer to the question, "Where is God?" People have pushed Him out of their lives and even out of their consciences. And He is allowing them to do so, for now. This morning The Daily Telegraph in London published two editorials on the same page. Not surprisingly, the first one was titled: "A Terrible Reminder That Nature Is Dangerous" (Dec. 27, 2004). It was about the disastrous effects of the tsunamis in the Indian Ocean. The second editorial, just below, was entitled: "Losing Our Religion." The connection between the two will become obvious. This last editorial consisted of commenting on an accompanying feature article in the same paper titled: "Britons' Belief in God Vanishing as Religion Is Replaced by Apathy." Likewise the sub-head read: "The national mood towards faith is one of indifference." The second editorial talked about Britain "becoming a nation of shoulder-shrugging agnostics who, instead of thinking syste-matically about religion, react to tragedy by improvising rituals with the nearest objects to hand, such as flowers or teddy bears". God, of course, would far prefer that the reaction be personal repentance of their individual transgressions of His law. (The British example is used simply because England is where I live and needed information is more readily accessible. If I still resided in my native United States, its example would probably be more appropriate. America acknowledges God to a much greater degree than Britain, but still doesn't live His way.) The latest British poll conducted by The Daily Telegraph is far from encouraging. The feature article mentioned earlier sums up the startling findings: "In 1968 more than three quarters of people, 77%, said they did believe in God. That figure has fallen by nearly half to 44% - a minority of the population." REACTING WITH REPENTANCE It's very encouraging to see that the Western nations (including Britain) have immediately pledged millions of dollars of disaster aid and have begun airlifts of desperately needed supplies to these battered regions. This tradition of gene-rosity and help for those in need is an outgrowth of these nations' long Judeo-Christian heritage and is to be highly commended. But how should we personally react to a disaster of such enormous proportions - no matter how far away? Again, Jesus Christ said not to take our lives and well-being for granted, that they can disappear in an instant due to circumstances beyond our control. Personal repentance, He said, is the only sensible response to disaster (Lk. 13:1-5). Our nations continually break God's great spiritual laws with seeming impunity, and then we wonder why bad things tend to happen. When God sent His prophets to warn ancient Israel, the inhabi-tants often reacted by stoning them. Later He sent His very own Son and they likewise murdered Him. Then the Church Jesus built was assigned the task. It is still on the job. But few today really and truly like to hear where their misguided way of life is taking them. We don't like God interfering in our business. As mentioned above, an increasing number don't even acknowledge His existence. One of the purposes of this prophetic publication is a call to repentance. If you are stealing in some way, heed the words of the apostle Paul: "Let him who stole steal no longer" (Ephesians 4:28). If you are having an affair, remember the words of the book of Hebrews: "Marriage is honourable among all, and the bed undefiled; but fornicators and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). Jesus simply said to a woman He had forgiven: "Go and sin no more" (John 8:11). No matter what course your neighbour or your nation as a whole may take, you can turn from your sins and begin to live a righteous life by the indwelling of Jesus Christ through the power of God's Holy Spirit (Galations 2:20). As a reader of this article, you are most likely being called to repentance by your Creator. Don't leave your life to the vagaries of time and chance. Act now! Jesus Christ said the appropriate response to disasters is personal repentance. The Christian way of life is a way of changing to become like Christ. [http://www.ucg.org/wnp/wnp0501/wavesofdevastation.htm] You may either agree or disagree with the author's views/statements above, but one thing is certain: "...man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgment..." (Hebrews 9:27). The question remains: Where do YOU stand with GOD? If death should knock on your door today, will you be ready to stand blameless before God? If not, repent of your sins and give your life to Him today! "'Come now, let us reason together', says the LORD. 'Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be a white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool.'" (Isaiah 1:18). - Editor |